Real estate in Indonesia
Jl. Dukuh Indah No. 606, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Park Heights Square 1, Dubai, UAE
69, 67 1 Soi Kokyang, Rawai, Muang, Phuket 83130
Saint Petersburg, 21 Sotsialisticheskaya str., office 2043
Grand condo 7, Chroy Changvar, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
1 Sherifa Khimshiashvili Str., Batumi
Jl. Dukuh Indah No. 606, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Turkey, Çağlayan Mahallesi, Barınaklar Bulvarı 5, 07235
C/El Montículo 8, 29631, Benalmádena, Spain

Townhouses in Bali

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We will help you buy and furnish the entire apartment, rent and maintain your property, and also resell it without any problems if you are considering it for investment
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About us

World Estate is a company that specializes in the sale of real estate abroad. We offer a wide range of properties such as apartments, houses, villas, apartments, land plots and commercial properties in various countries around the world.

We have extensive experience in this area and have a professional team that will help you choose the most suitable property.

Buy a townhouse in Bali

World Estate Homes offers a unique opportunity to purchase a townhouse in Bali, one of the most picturesque and attractive islands in the world. Our townhouses provide the perfect combination of comfort, style and functionality, suitable for permanent residence, temporary vacation or investment purposes.

Bali townhouses catalog with prices and layouts

We offer a variety of townhomes, each with a unique design and convenient layout.

  • Ocean View Townhouse - 200 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Price: $350,000.
  • Townhouse in the city center - 180 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Price: $320,000.
  • Exclusive townhouse with private pool - area 220 square meters, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. Price: $450,000.

All of our townhouses are equipped with modern furnishings, kitchen appliances and offer magnificent views of the surrounding scenery.

Townhouses in Bali for investment

Investing in townhouses in Bali is a smart and promising choice. The high demand for rental properties makes such investments particularly profitable.

  • Townhouse worth $350,000. Can generate annual rental income of up to $35,000.
  • Expected return from renting townhouses in Bali is 10-12% per annum.

The steady flow of tourists and the attractiveness of the island guarantee a quick payback and stable income from investments in townhouses.

Townhouses in Bali for relocation and temporary vacations

Our townhouses are ideal for those planning a move to Bali or considering the island as a temporary vacation destination.

  • A townhouse for a family - Spacious rooms, playground and garden. Price: $370,000.
  • Townhouse for a relaxing vacation - secluded location, cozy setting. Price: $340,000.

Bali offers unique living conditions: a wonderful climate, developed infrastructure and plenty of entertainment. Move and enjoy life in one of the most beautiful places on the planet!

Townhouses for rent in Bali

Renting out townhouses in Bali is a great way to generate a steady income. Our agency provides a full range of rental management services so you can profit without worry.

  • Average rental rate A townhouse in Bali is $2,500 per month.
  • Rental yield townhouses can be as high as 10-12% per annum.

We will provide high quality maintenance for your townhouse and match you with reliable tenants so you can enjoy a steady income.

World Estate Homes real estate agency offers the best conditions for buying townhouses in Bali. Our team of professionals will help you find the perfect townhouse to suit your needs and budget. Contact us and we will make the buying process simple and enjoyable. Invest in comfort and luxury with World Estate Homes and enjoy life in Bali!


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